PRETTYHIDEOUS is on hiatus right now as I (the owner/maker) take some time to deal with my mental and physical health.
All of our product pages are offline as of the 11th May 2022. We will return - I just need to press pause and take some time to get better without the pressures of running a business.
I want to thank you all SO MUCH for your patience and understanding,
with love - PH
P.S. A few people have reached out to us on social media asking if there is a way to support me financially as I take this time off, and whilst I do not want anybody to feel any kind of obligation to do so, we have left our “Tip Jar” open, below, should you wish to buy me a coffee (I don’t really drink coffee, I drink fizzy water - and I’d probably not use tips for fizzy water - it would more likely be spent on living expenses, such as pet food and bills, rather than the materials and other business things it would usually go towards).
Buy us some glitter (or some synthetic maggots…)
If you’d like to further support our small business, why not leave us a tip!?
All tips go directly towards improving PRETTYHIDEOUS - be it a materials cost, tool or equipment upgrades or an unforeseen business expense - If you’d like to know how your tip was spent, just drop us a line on any of our social media platforms!